Home Worker Package, How It Works

We understand the challenge facing companies in managing a mobile workforce. How do you navigate the pitfalls that home workers face and try to ensure that they are taken care of to the best of the companies’ ability?

We understand that the challenges of managing home workers may be new to some companies, or you may already have procedures in place. We are here to help all companies, big and small to do the best for their workers.

Over the past number of years, we have completed hundreds of home office assessments and there are common issues to look out for and recurring trends that need to be addressed.

As a result, we have compiled a full solution to all of a company’s home worker needs from standard workers to the most at-risk people working at home. We offer a variety of different options available to meet every individual and company’s needs.

Services Available

  • Home Worker Digital Package

  • Phone Assessment Consultation

  • Full Home Office Assessments

We can help you to build the programme that best suits you and your company from the following options.

Home Worker Digital Package

Step 1: Online Home Office Questionnaire

Step2 : eLearning Portal

We understand that there are many different types of modern worker and so we help them to be able to adapt to their surroundings with pragmatic and practical advice. Often the first step is to understand your workers and to implement the correct interventions as quickly as possible.

Online Home Office Questionnaire

We provide an online Home Office Training package that can be sent to all employees. This allows companies to gather a baseline for their employee’s home office situations and set up. It allows you to quickly and accurately meet their needs going forward. Getting your employees to complete our Online Home Office Questionnaire, which is a combination of both their workstation ergonomics and posture, allows us to categorise workers in different levels of risk:




There overall Score help categorise your employees, deliver the correct interventions to meet the employees current needs. For most companies, it is essential to maximise your limited resources and so it this allows you to target the most at risk people first and the plan accordingly.

Benefits of using this as Step 1:

  • Enables the company to streamline their resources -

  • Make specific, practical and sensible recommendations for equipment and roll this out the employees

  • This helps to formulate the template for your Home Working Policy:

  • It helps you to ensure you cover your employees to the best of your ability

  • Streamline Recommendations and information delivery

  • Allocate the correct equipment recommendations to the necessary employees

  • Cover the company as much as possible

  • Create a framework to follow going forward

The overall Score helps to categorise your employees, deliver the correct interventions to meet the employees current needs


The modern home office is not “technically” mentioned in the most recent legislation governing workers, but it is the companies duties to reduce the risk to each employee as much “as is reasonably practicable” [Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2007]. On this basis, we help companies to categorise their employees and to provide pre-determined pieces of equipment based on their current risk levels. For example, a “Low Risk” employee working off a laptop may only need an additional Keyboard and Mouse, but a “High Risk” employee working off a laptop may need a higher level of support. Knowledge is key and so knowing who to target first allows you to streamline the priority employees but still cover everyone in the company.


For The Company

  • The Company will receive a Company Report with the breakdown of each employee whohas completed the questionnaire and who is in each of the three categories

  • The company can then decide on how to manage each individual and to use the availableresources

  • We will help you to track each employee on their progress and recommend differentservices that can help to manage each employee


Step 2: Home Office eLearning Portal

We have completed many home office assessments in recent years and there are common trends that emerge when working in this environment. With this in mind, we have created a Home Office eLearning Portal for all workers to follow and learn from. We will provide each employee with access to our easy to follow and pragmatic video-based platform. Employees are able to follow the text and watch the videos on how a home office should be set up and how our posture needs to be taken into full consideration, even when working from home.

For a company to ensure that each employee carries out this training. The eLearning platform includes a Home Office Quiz at the end to allow each employee to test their knowledge and enhance their overall understanding of this exercise. This allows companies to track that each employee has completed the training and that they are aware of the importance of working from home.

Benefits of eLearning

  • Step by step Guide to setting up a Home Office

  • Includes all the pitfalls to watch out for and pragmatically get around them -Easy to follow and can complete anywhere in the employees own time

  • Companies can track their employees progress and monitor that the training iscompleted

  • Can be accessed and reviewed as many times as an employee wishes

  • A simple solution for a spread out and diverse workforce *Companies can use the eElearning Platform on it own and just deliver this training to all itsemployees.

Phone Assessment Consultation

Some employees require a greater level of input and understanding. We also offer the opportunity for an employee to speak to one of our highly trained workstation assessor physiotherapist team members. They will talk you through the step by step guide on how to set up the workstation based on the equipment currently have available. If any additional equipment is recommended, specific links will then be provided and the rationale behind them also explained.

The employee will have access to our eLearning Portal so they can continue to review their set up going forward. A tailored exercise programme may also be provided based on the assessment.

This is to help combat any immediate issues that an individual may be experiencing and to help them through the adjustment to working from home.

Benefits of Phone Assessment

  • Greater level of explanation delivered specific to an employee’s needs

  • More appropriate for medium to high risk employees -Individualized exercise programme delivered tailored to any issues they may be experiencing

  • Follow up review in a predetermined time frame to check on the progress of the employee

Some employees require a greater level of input and understanding”

Full Home Office Assessments

We also offer one to one home office assessments. For employees who are experiencing more troublesome issues and are more of a high risk of developing further problems, this is the most direct solution. We can schedule a time with one of our Physiotherapist assessors and they will call out to the home office. They will go through the entire set up, step by step putting this exercise into both context and enhancing its relevance. Many people believe that they just require new equipment to help their current situation. In many cases it is learning how to use the equipment that people currently have that offers the most effective solutions.

v In the cases where additional equipment is required, we provide specific reasons as to why an item is required and a make a business case as to its long term benefits. Modern workers try their best, in most instances, to continue to work even if they are currently experiencing a problem. Finding adequate solutions to their needs and the most appropriate interventions to their issues is the key to maintaining their overall health and productivity.

Benefits of a Full Home Office Assessment:

  • Face to Face explanation and explanation delivered specific to an employee’s needs,environment and current available equipment

  • More appropriate for High risk employees who are often experiencing an issue -Individualized exercise programme delivered tailored to any issues they may been experiencing

  • Follow up review in a predetermined time frame to check on the progress of the employee With the rise in home working, this is one of our most popular services in recent years and so we are experienced in the delivery of this type of assessment.

For the Company

For companies it is important to be able to streamline and prioritise your employees, to maximise limited resources and to put in place the best corrective measures in the shortest time frame.

With the rise in home working, this is one of our most popular services in recent years and so we are experienced in the delivery of this type of assessment”


In summary, because of the current workplace, diversity of jobs and complexity of modern workers, a more comprehensive solution to working at home is required. The key is to understand your employees first, implement the right strategies, have predetermined guidelines on information and equipment, but also be able to react to any changes that might occur along the way. Alongside our clinical expertise and organisational capabilities, we are creative thinkers and we would like to be a partner who can deliver a real tangible change. We believe we can play an integral part in driving ergonomics for the benefit of your employees.

Get in Touch to find out more and contact us on :


Tel: 01 518 0493

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